So beautiful sounds give


The Residentie Orkest is the orchestra of, in, for and from The Hague. We strive to reach and connect all residents and visitors of The Hague with our music. We also want to ensure that future generations continue to experience the power of music.

Your donation supports the Residentie Orkest in a valuable way. The Residentie Orkest owes its existence to special people. People who care about classical music and want to pass it on to the next generation.

Do you support our mission? Then you can support us with a one-time donation or a named fund at Residentie Orkest.

More about donating

Discover What We Do

We use music to make The Hague an inclusive, inspiring and harmonious city.
RO in the City
Participating, experiencing and making music with the musicians of the orchestra – that's music education at the Residentie Orkest.
We believe it's important to give young musical talent the opportunity to develop and grow.
Talent Development

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