Fund Residentie Orkest: An Introduction
"With this Fund, we want to give people and companies the opportunity to allow the Residentie Orkest to engage in even more activities that add value to the community."
Every year the Fund contributes to the artistic, educational and social projects of the Orchestra. This helps the Orchestra in its efforts as an (inter)national orchestra to play the most beautiful (classical) music and thus be an ambassador for the city of The Hague. At the same time, the Fund contributes to the objective of the Residentie Orkest to be there for everyone in the Hague region through its extensive educational and social activities.
Help quickly and directly! With a one-time donation you simply support our projects via iDeal.
- Twice a year we invite you to wonderful Viotta evenings.
- You are invited to celebrate festive occasions with the orchestra.
- Through a newsletter, you will be the first to know about the Last
Establish your own Named Fund with a specific purpose that meets the needs of the orchestra.
How wonderful is it if future generations continue to experience the power of this music? By including the Residentie Orkest in your will, you contribute to this. With your help, music is forever!
The Fund Residentie Orkest is designated by the Tax Office as a cultural Charitable Foundation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). What you donate, we can use one hundred percent to pass on music to future generations. It is also fiscally attractive for you as a donor to donate.
Donors to cultural Charitable Foundation's have an additional gift deduction. Thus, you can sometimes even double your support of the orchestra, at no cost to you.
A periodic gift of at least five years is fully deductible for income tax purposes. There is no threshold income or maximum deductible amount. Would you like to qualify for this? Then have the donation recorded in a written agreement. We can send you the form for this.
Because Fonds Residentie Orkest is a cultural Charitable Foundation , you may even deduct 125% of your gift in this case. This additional deduction applies to a maximum gift amount of €5,000 per year. Of course, the donation amount above €5,000 remains 100% deductible.
Here's how it works
You donate €1,000 annually
Annual periodic gift: €1,000
Your deduction (125%): €1,250
Tax refund at 52% tax rate: €650
Your net gift: €350
You donate €5,000 annually
Annual periodic gift: €5,000
Your deduction (125%): €6,250
Tax refund at 52% tax rate: €3,250
Your net gift: €1,750
You donate €10,000 annually
Annual periodic gift: €10,000
Your deduction (€5,000 at 125%, €5,000 at 100%): €11,250
Tax refund at 52% tax rate: €5,850
Your net gift: €4,150
One-time or occasional donations are limited deductible, subject to a threshold amount and a maximum. The threshold amount for occasional donations is 1% of your threshold income, with a minimum of €60. The threshold income is the total of your income and deductions in box 1,2, and 3, but not including your personal deductions. What you donated more than the threshold amount, you may deduct, up to the maximum: 10% of your threshold income.
The maximum is 10% of your threshold income. For more information on donations to (cultural) Charitable Foundation's, visit
"With this Fund, we want to give people and companies the opportunity to allow the Residentie Orkest to engage in even more activities that add value to the community."
"With this Fund, we want the Residentie Orkest to develop even more activities that add value to the community."
- Olaf Smits van Waesberghe, treasurer
Do you have questions about the Fund Residentie Orkest? Then get in touch. Maurits Musch will be happy to help you!
T: (070) 88 00 216
Turfhaven 11
2511 DK The Hague
Foundation Fund Residentie Orkest
Account number: NL15 RABO 0354 7125 86
If you transfer an amount, we ask that you do so by stating your address and phone number.
We have been classified by the Inland Revenue as a cultural Charitable Foundation.
View standard disclosure form Charitable Foundation
Read Fund's 2021-2024 policy plan here Residentie Orkest.
Read the 2023 Fund annual report here Residentie orkest.