Donate to it Residentie Orkest

Fund Residentie Orkest

When you donate to the Residentie Orkest, your money goes into the Residentie Orkest Fund. This Fund was established in February 2020 with the purpose of providing necessary financial support to Residentie Orkest The Hague.

Every year the Fund contributes to the artistic, educational and social projects of the Orchestra. This helps the Orchestra in its efforts as an (inter)national orchestra to play the most beautiful (classical) music and thus be an ambassador for the city of The Hague. At the same time, the Fund contributes to the objective of the Residentie Orkest to be there for everyone in the Hague region through its extensive educational and social activities.

You can contribute to Fund Residentie Orkest in several ways.
Tax-free gifting, how does it work?

The Fund Residentie Orkest is designated by the Tax Office as a cultural Charitable Foundation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). What you donate, we can use one hundred percent to pass on music to future generations. It is also fiscally attractive for you as a donor to donate.

Donors to cultural Charitable Foundation's have an additional gift deduction. Thus, you can sometimes even double your support of the orchestra, at no cost to you.

Stories full of music


Fund Residentie Orkest: An Introduction

"With this Fund, we want to give people and companies the opportunity to allow the Residentie Orkest to engage in even more activities that add value to the community."

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"With this Fund, we want the Residentie Orkest to develop even more activities that add value to the community."

- Olaf Smits van Waesberghe, treasurer

The Board

Rob Perik


Olaf Smits van Waesberghe


Miranda van Drie


Yardena Shitrit

General board member

Johnno Wesseling

General board member

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