About the
Residentie Orkest
Our Vision
Our music inspires, encourages dialogue, brings wonder, unfolds history and stimulates reflection on current events. It plays an important role in reaching and connecting residents and visitors to The Hague of all ages and knowledge of music. The Residentie Orkest is a perfect match with The Hague: an international metropolis by the sea and the heart of Dutch royal and political life as well as world diplomacy. We offer a top-quality, dynamic musical experience full of adventure.
Our music, live performances and educational programmes connect, challenge, surprise and delight people. Through our artistic interpretation, we provide a modern twist to sometimes centuries-old music. The orchestra always goes looking for the relevance of the music in a young, new and contemporary way.
Meet the musicians and conductors of the RO
"The Residentie Orkest is innovative in all areas [...]. The current ensemble sounds lively, alert and eager."
- The Volkskrant
A place where talent thrives
Would you like to be part of our talented orchestra? We are regulary on the lookout for new talent!

Charitable Foundation Name:
Stichting het Residentie Orkest
Bank Account Number:
NL18 RABO 0128 7623 81
Chamber of Commerce Number:
View the Standard Publication Duty Form Charitable Foundation >>
Supervisory Board Residentie Orkest
Henk Breukink (chairman)
David Blackmon (member and chairman audit committee)
Juliëtte Dufornee (member)
Johan Gijsen (member)
Bianca Maasdamme (member)
Mahanaïm Singadji (member)
The Residentie Orkest follows the collective bargaining agreement of the Dutch Orchestras with regard to the salaries of orchestra members. Staff members have their own terms of employment.
Board expense reimbursement: No
Does the board receive attendance fees: No
Explanation of remuneration policy: The Supervisory Board of Stichting het Residentie Orkest works entirely pro bono.