Fund Residentie Orkest:
An introduction
The all-new Fund Residentie Orkest was created to provide financial support for the orchestra to carry out and expand its vast range of tasks. What ideas are behind it? How does it work? What is the target group? Violinist Ronald Touw talked about it with some board members.
Rob Perik is president of the Fund Residentie Orkest. In daily life he is a tax consultant, associated with Baker Tilly. He also finds much satisfaction in volunteer work. Among other things, Rob was chairman of VNO-NCW in The Hague, and chairman of the Binnenhof Festival Foundation, where the Residentie Orkest has performed several times. Rob loves a lot of musical styles. He owns several acoustic and electric guitars, which he enjoys playing in his spare time.
Olaf Smits van Waesberghe (Treasurer) is founder and director of National Register, which deals with the recruitment, training and support of commissioners and supervisors in the corporate and semi-public sectors. Volunteering is also important to Olaf, based on his adage "Do something for your city. In that context, he has, among other things, been a member of first the board for eight years and on the supervisory board of Residentie Orkest since 2017. Love for classical music has been instilled in Olaf from an early age.
Why was the Fund established?
"The idea for a Fund," Olaf explains, "arose from the question: how can we make Residentie Orkest even stronger? With this Fund, we want to offer people and companies the opportunity to allow the Residentie Orkest to develop even more activities with an added value for society. For example through a Fund in Name, or supporting a special project."
Rob adds: "The Residentie Orkest is a fixture in The Hague society. When Olaf asked me to help think about the possibility of a fund, I embraced the idea. The orchestra does much more than give symphonic concerts. Among other things, it develops educational activities that reach virtually every school in The Hague. Every year, tens of thousands of children are made enthusiastic for classical music, and for playing an instrument themselves. For example, through long-term projects such as Discover the Orchestra and The Residents. The orchestra does all this with limited funds. The new Fund aims to provide financial support for all these wonderful projects, as well as new initiatives."
How does the Fund proceed?
Olaf: "The orchestra must, as a condition for and in addition to the subsidy, generate its own income. It does that through ticket sales, but there is also a large, active Friends of the Residentie Orkest, and the Business Circle. Complementing these two valuable and thriving groups, the Fund is looking at target groups that are currently less in touch with the orchestra. For example, notaries who have a lot of contact with families. Directors and companies who care about the orchestra's activities. But also music lovers who have attended concerts of the Residentie Orkest for many years and want to put that bond with the orchestra into action through a donation or the aforementioned Fund in Name."
Rob: "The Fund Residentie Orkest has also acquired Charitable Foundation status. This is granted by the tax authorities, under strict conditions, to institutions with a demonstrable public benefit purpose. The Charitable Foundation-status allows donors to the Fund to deduct their contribution for tax purposes, and because it is a cultural Charitable Foundation, even for 125% of the contribution. Donors, whether individuals or corporations, choose whether to remain anonymous or to be named on occasion. Discretion is assured in all cases."
How can people contact the Fund Residentie Orkest?
"Anyone interested can contact us at / without any obligation. Response will always follow soon. We are honored to do this work for the Residentie Orkest . We are fully committed!"
Ronald Touw, violinist Residentie Orkest