Review of Summer Concert

On Friday, June 14, the annual Summer Concert for Golden and Platinum Friends took place. In the busy Nieuwe Badkapel in Scheveningen, music by Reynaldo Hahn, André Caplet and Claude Debussy was played by musicians from the Residentie Orkest: Justyna Briefjes (violin), Diederik van Wassenaer (violin), Jan Buizer (viola), Justa de Jong (cello) and Mathilde Wauters (harp). Afterwards there was a pleasant drink with joyful music by violinist Diederik van Wassenaer and his wife Allie Summers. With this concert, the board of the Friends of the Residentie Orkest specifically thanked the Golden and Platinum Friends for their support and Friendship.

See below for a retrospective with photos taken by Sandra Uittenbogaart.

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