Program Booklet
RO NOW: Alpine Symphony
Saturday, November 16
hour until approximately 10:00 p.m.
This edition, Richard Strauss takes you on a musical journey through the Alps, from the darkness of night to the radiant sunset. An absolutely majestic climax.
During this RO NOW we will help you escape the hectic life for a while. For example, unwind during an Alpen Sound Bath before the concert.... or dance the night away during the Silent Alpine Disco afterwards.
In cooperation with students from the Royal Conservatoire The Hague
In Foyer 2, immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of an Alpine hike. With your headphones on, experience the tranquility of the mountains.
Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
Eine Alpensinfonie, op. 64 (1911-1915)
The parts are played in immediate succession without a break in between.
Night (night)
Sonnenaufgang (sunrise)
Der Anstieg (the ascent).
Eintritt in den Wald (entering the forest)
Wanderung neben dem Bache (Walk along the stream)
Am Wasserfall (at the waterfall)
Erscheinung (appearance)
Auf blumigen Wiesen (on flowery meadows)
Auf der Alm (on the Alpine meadow)
Durch Dickicht und Gestrüpp auf Irrwegen (through thickets and brushwood on wandering roads)
Auf dem Gletscher (on the glacier)
Gefahrvolle Augenblicke (dangerous moments).
Auf dem Gipfel (on the mountaintop)
Vision (vision)
Nebel steigen auf (fog lifts)
Die Sonne verdüstert sich allmählich (the sun darkens)
Elegy (lament)
Stille vor dem Sturm (silence before the storm)
Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg (thunderstorm and storm, descent)
Sonnenuntergang (sunset)
Ausklang (coming to rest)
Night (night)
A cozy party at high altitude! With your headphones on, enjoy a mix of disco classics and après-ski hits in Foyer 2.
After the concert, recover from the exhilarating Alpine journey with a Weiẞbier or an Apfelschorle. Or treat yourself to an Aperol Spritz at the Cocktail Stube!
In RO NOW: The Podcast, get an exclusive preview of the concert RO NOW: Alpine Symphony by presenter Christiaan Kuyvenhoven.


Residentie Orkest The Hague

Jun Märkl

Christiaan Kuyvenhoven
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Fun Fact
Did you know that the music of Richard Strauss has been played since the founding of the Residentie Orkest (November 1904)? Our founder Henri Viotta cherished a great admiration for him and many of Strauss' great works even received their Dutch premiere in The Hague, often quite shortly after the world premiere. So it was only natural that the German composer and conductor should come to the court city one day. In November 1911, he was a guest for no less than ten days during a grand music festival in honor of his compositions. The composer conducted the operas; the symphonic concerts were alternately conducted by Strauss and Viotta. For one of his operas, Strauss had brought a real heckler's horn. And now let it still be used by the Residentie Orkest , as tonight in the Alpine Symphony.
The photo shows Richard Strauss standing (second from right) at the performance of Der Rosenkavalier.

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