Review of South Park summer concert
'This concert represents meeting each other'
Last Sunday evening, September 1, local residents and lovers of music gathered at the Zuiderpark Theatre for the traditional Zuiderpark Summer Concert of the Residentie Orkest, this time led by young British conductor Kerem Hasan. It was a beautiful balmy and warm summer evening and the Zuiderparktheater was completely sold out and filled with enthusiastic audiences. Half of this audience had been invited by Symphony 2030, the social arm of the orchestra. These were mostly neighborhood residents from The Hague South-West and guests of social partners such as Buddy Network, Father Center Adam, Taal aan Zee, Open je Hart / Mantelkring, Haags Verhaal, Buurt & Kerkhuis Shalom by STEK, Quiet Den Haag and Vier het Leven. The program was a nice mix of Czech and Hungarian dances and lovely romantic works perfect for the summer evening.
Thanks to the mentioned social partners, Zuiderparktheater and Rabobank The Hague for making this evening of connection possible.
"The South Park Summer Concert stands for meeting in the middle of the city, in the middle of summer and in the middle of the heart!"
- Sven Arne Tepl, general and artistic director Residentie Orkest