Sunday Morning

Beethoven's Symphony No. 5

Sunday 24 November
Amare Concert Hall, The Hague
From €20
Conductor: Anja Bihlmaier
Piano: Javier Perianes
24 November | 11:00 a.m.
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Sunday morning music for the soul
Experience the magic of Sunday mornings with the Residentie Orkest. Take a moment to relax, unwind and enjoy soul-stirring symphonies. This morning, we'll be going big and bold with Beethoven's most famous work, his Symphony No. 5. Fate knocks at the door in its famous opening notes, after which the piece carries you away, challenges you and conquers your heart with its powerful melodies.

We'll kick off the morning with another powerful and contrasting work: Robert Schumann's Piano Concerto, for which the magnificent soloist Javier Perianes will take his seat at the grand piano. Schumann's melodic grandeur blends a dazzling piano performance with a lush orchestral sound in a true celebration of Romantic passion. It pairs beautifully with Beethoven's majestic symphony. Both works will be conducted by chief conductor Anja Bihlmaier.

Musical workshop for children
Tip! During the concert, children aged 4 to 12 can attend a musical workshop for €4 per child. Please book tickets in advance here. The workshop will be in Dutch. 

"Start your Sunday morning without What's on, but with a fresh head full of musical sparks. This edition you will hear Beethoven's Fifth, a piece of music that can take on the whole world. "

- Residentie Orkest

Anja Bihlmaier
Javier Perianes