Long learning line
Discover the orchestra
Complete curriculum for elementary and special primary education, in collaboration with KOO

Education level
group 5 to 8Features
long-learningPlaying as a percussionist with the Residentie Orkest, standing in front of it as a conductor, or trying out different orchestral instruments: is there any better way to bring music to life? For schools that want to make music a spearhead of their program, there is therefore the three-year music program Discover the Orchestra.
Students visit the Residentie Orkest and orchestra members visit the school. Together they explore the world of tones, timbre, rhythms and sounds. Students are taught at school by music teachers and orchestra members, go on concert and rehearsal visits, play along with musicians in concert and even conduct them!
Introductory lesson at school
Visit play-along concert group 7, first at school, then in Amare
Visit final concert conducting project group 8 in Amare
Trying out instruments in Amare
Musician visiting the classroom
Rehearsal visit in Amare
Visit play-along concert group 7 in Amare
Visit final concert conducting project group 8 in Amare
Playing along with an ensemble at school (for SO/SBO only)
Playing along with the orchestra in Amare
Composer's chest: learning to compose at school
Visit final concert conducting project group 8 in Amare
Conductor's briefcase: preparation for school conducting project (for SO/SBO only)
Learning to conduct: an ensemble at school and the whole orchestra in Amare
Visit play-along concert group 7 in Amare
PO Hague schools: €375 per class
SO/SBO: €200 per class.
Schools outside The Hague: €400 per class
Bus transportation is not included