Women Southwest meets Women's Society De Witte

Residentie Orkest & International Women's Day

Hague Story: Women Southwest meet Women's Society De Witte

Invitation story night with soup around women's power

Haags Verhaal invites you to a great storytelling meeting on Tuesday evening, March 5: Women Building from Southwest meet the women of Sociëteit De Witte. We will hear the story behind these two women's networks and the story of Renate Stüger (coordinator Buurtkamer Van Luyk) and Carina Hilders (gynecologist, director Reinier de Graaf Hospital Delft). With soup and a wonderful intermezzo by musicians from the Residentie Orkest.

What is the strength of women in The Hague's Southwest district, where much needs to be done in the coming years so that residents can have healthier and better lives? That's what we hear from Renate Stüger, one of the women who is a member of the network Women Who Build. That was created to empower women who are committed to the areas where they are active. And to combine their strengths. Renate is the coordinator of Buurtkamer Van Luyk, where she works for and with people in the Moerwijk neighborhood to improve their circumstances. She is also the founding mother of Suriman, a mascot and cartoon hero. In this way she sets a black role model that is both powerful and vulnerable at the same time. Because she missed that for her own children, whom she raises alone as a proud Surinamese mother.

Society De Witte was founded in 1782, as a gentlemen's club. Only since May 1998 can women also become full members. There are now more than 900 women members of the Society, which still has the same objective as when it was founded: "Cozy intercourse and permissible outing. What does that mean? We hear that from Carina Hilders, gynecologist, director of the Reinier de Graaf Hospital in Delft and associate professor of medical management and leadership. A passionate woman who, among other things, is committed to improving healthcare for women. Because in the medical world there is still too little knowledge about the female body and too little attention to women's diseases. As hospital director, Hilders is also concerned with innovations in healthcare. As a result, care must remain accessible to everyone in the future. The fact that the life expectancy of people in a district like Zuidwest is seven years lower than in other districts of The Hague is very close to her heart.

We will have an interlude by two musicians from the Residentie Orkest: Martine van der Loo (flute) and Mathilde Wauters (harp).

5:45 p.m. - Walk-in with soup
6:30 p.m. - Start of program
8:30 p.m. - Closing

Admission: € 10.00 Stork Pass: € 2.50 (Free for women of the networks involved)

Location: Brede Buurtschool Kleurrijk, Ambachtsgaarde 3, 2542 ED The Hague

For more information: mail@haagsverhaal.nl