Program Booklet

New Year's Concert

Friday, Jan. 6 - 8 p.m.

A Starter will take place prior to this concert.
You can attend this in the Swing on the second floor to the left of cloakroom.

Fun fact 

George Gershwin
(New York, Sept. 26, 1898 - July 11, 1937, Hollywood) 

According to Gershwin's biographer Isaas Goldberg, Rhapsody in Blue was created when Gershwin was on the train to Boston and was inspired by the sounds of the train, steel and rails.  

Nice to know 

Did you know that Leonard Bernstein made his Dutch orchestra debut at the Residentie Orkest? Just after World War II, the Residentie Orkest helped organize a one-time summer festival in 1947 called High Arts in the Low Lands, precursor to the Holland Festival. That year, there was also the newly 29-year-old Leonard Bernstein there. At the Kurhaus, Bernstein made himself immortal by eating a herring every morning before rehearsal began. In the Hague manner, of course, by the tail, as he had seen at the herring stalls. 

One Minute Symphony 

Composition student Tilen Lebar was inspired by a bang for his One Minute Symphony. He himself wrote the following about it: "The piece is called Pok, which is the Slovenian word for 'bang'. It refers to a short loud sound caused by fireworks or other loud explosions. One of the bangs I actually recorded unintentionally near Leyenburg (The Hague) during my field recording/sound walk. At that point I started thinking about translating the recorded material into something tangible, something that could actually be orchestrated. The orchestration of the recorded bang comes from this harsh, articulate abrupt, piercing noise, into something compellingly stretched. If I were to describe Pok in a few words, it would be: squeak, roar, screech, cackle, clack, tinkle, croak, deafening noise, full power, rasp, high frequency, shake, rasp, rumble, grind, screech, honk, vibrate, wail and zap.' 

The Residentie Orkest wishes you happy holidays!

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