Vouchers valid for longer
Did you turn tickets for canceled concerts into a voucher worth your purchase price in the 2020/2021 season? As the pandemic continues longer than previously anticipated, the culture and events industry is extending the "Save your ticket, enjoy later" scheme.
This gives you longer time to convert voucher credits into tickets for concerts or performances that do take place, namely 24 months. Money back is also always possible.
This extension came about after consultation between the events and culture sector and the relevant authorities. The scheme is supported by the Ministry of OC&W and EZK and follows the rules of the Authority Consumer and Market.

The Keep Your Ticket Scheme went into effect during the first corona wave and means that tickets for rescheduled events remain valid and tickets for cancelled events can be converted to vouchers. Cash refunds also remain an option in all cases. This has prevented additional financial problems caused by massive ticket refunds.
The original ticket scheme, from April 2020, did not take into account the long duration of the corona crisis. Events are now being rescheduled or permanently canceled for the second or third time. Also, due to the ongoing corona measures, it has not been possible for consumers to redeem credits (vouchers) for another event: organizing alternative events has not been possible. With the extension of the deadline, ticket vouchers can still be used.
The full regulation can be found at www.bewaarjeticket.nl.