RO in the City

New Year's concerts with The Residents

The Residentie Orkest is again organizing a series of New Year's concerts in cooperation with cultural anchors in The Hague. We were guests at the Hofstad Lyceum on January 14 and at Muzee Scheveningen on January 28.

"Last weekend we played with the brass quintet at the first New Year's Eve concert in one of The Hague's neighborhoods. It is so beautiful to see how the audience is touched by the children of The Residents, the choir but also by our own contribution. The nice thing about these concerts is that as a musician you are much closer to the audience, which allows for more interaction. We have four more concerts to go, with a different interpretation each time. I'm really looking forward to that!"

- Mariƫlle van Pruijssen - hoorn

At this edition at the Hofstad Lyceum, in addition to the brass quintet, children from The Residents of the Gelderland School and the Willy Caron Music Theatre played. The acts came together at the end of the concert for a sparkling finale.
(photos Hans Poel)

At the edition in Muzee Scheveningen on January 28, our brass quintet and children of The Residents played at the opening of the exhibition Mijn Duindorp. This exhibition can be visited until May 4, 2024.
(photos Arnaud Roelofsz)

Curious about the next New Year's concerts?