Students conduct the orchestra
The conducting project is part of our long learning line Discover the Orchestra. This is a three-year music program for elementary school students, which Residentie Orkest organizes together with KOO. Every year, about 1,200 pupils have the opportunity to discover classical music and the symphony orchestra in this way.
The project runs from grade 6 to 8 (in special primary education , some additional and preparatory activities are started in grade 5). The conducting project in grade 8 is the highlight for many. The students are taught in class by one of our musicians about conducting. Then they practice their new skills with an ensemble. Finally, a few students per class get a chance to conduct the Residentie Orkest during the final concert.
This year's conducting project is made possible by the Friends of the Residentie Orkest.
Conducting coach and trombonist Twan Dubbers on the conducting project
"As a 'conductor coach,' I always find it a privilege to coach the children during this project. From the first introduction to a few musicians from the orchestra to the presentation where the whole orchestra gets to conduct. They are all so different! I have a soft spot for the more closed types who seem to blossom through the music and the interaction with the musicians. You also notice that it is really important for the future of classical music that children receive good music education from an early age. As an orchestra, we offer the kids a nice peek behind the scenes!"