More about Astrid

Brabant Conservatory with Paul Godwaldt.
That's a tough question because for me it's tied to what I'm playing at the moment. Music often evokes memories of special moments. Examples are Richard Strauss' Vier letzte Lieder with the NJO and soprano Roberta Alexander. I also have fond memories of the repertoire we played with our family in church. My mother loved to sing and sang well; I still think back with pleasure, for example, to the Messe de Minuit byCharpentier in which she sang solo. But also Pie Jesu by Faure and the beautiful Ave Maria by Schubert etc.
For myself I had a bass built by René Zaal but in the orchestra I play a bass bought from London's Peter Georgiadis.
A look behind the scenes
Bassist Astrid Schrijner
For more than thirty years, Astrid Schrijner has been a familiar face among the "gentlemen double basses. Born in Arnhem and raised in Terneuzen, the bassist started piano lessons at age ten, but wanted to play in the music school orchestra just like her sisters. There it became the double bass. Once she moved to Tilburg, things moved quickly. Music lessons, conservatory and her first job with the Brabant Orchestra. "In 1990 I switched to the Residentie Orkest, where I still play music with tremendous pleasure. I also get a lot of satisfaction from all kinds of educational activities such as teaching The Residents, Musician in the Classroom or the conducting project."