More about Agnes

Was a member of the European Youth Orchestra under Claudio Abbado from 1980 to 1983 and played in the Aspen Music Festival between 1984 and 1986. Prize winner Szymanovski competition (1987).
CD Nymphes a la fontaine with Koos Verheul and Jan vd Meer. (Trade magazine Luister gave grade 9).
Sweelinck Conservatory Amsterdam with Herman Krebbers (1977-1983) and at the Utrecht Conservatory with Viktor Liberman /Philippe Hirschhorn (1983-1987). Master classes with Menahem Pressler and Yehudi Menuhin.
Beethoven, Schubert. I like to listen to guitarist Noam Kanter on youtube.
Agnes also plays in Trio Kanter. "With Trio Kanter, we immerse you in the world of beautiful classical chamber music. As passionate musicians specializing in chamber music, we offer a unique listening experience that touches and enriches the soul. We recently recorded a CD with music by Paganini, Piazzolla and others."
For more information, visit: Repertoire | agneshoutsmuller